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"TADFsolutions" kick-off meeting

Network Meetings

Kick-off Meeting - Bayreuth, Germany - November 2022

In November 2022 the Professors from the various universities and companies in the TADFsolutions network met in Bayreuth for the first time. During the meeting the various administation points of the project were discussed in addition to the professors taking part in a "Train the Trainer" workshop. 

Spring School - Valencia, Spain - March 2023

In March 2023 the Network met for the first time as a group (PhD students and Professors) in Valencia, Spain. During the meeting the students received training on "Device Modelling & Optimisation" held by Simbeyond, TuE and Fluxim. Additionally "Photophysics" lecutres were given by our Associated Partner Kyushu University and the Universite de Namur. A half day workshop on "Intercultural Awareness" was provided by the external training company Golin Wissenschaftsmanagement. In addition the programme provided the participants with enough time to socialise and exchange ideas in order to start building the relationships fundamental for the creation of the TADFsolutions network.

Autumn School & Mid-Term Check with EU Officer - Milan, Italy - September 2023

In September 2023 the network met in Saronno (near Milan) for an Autumn School in addition to the Mid-Term Check meeting with the TADFsolutions EU Officer. During the network meeting the students took part in an Outreach training exercise in addition to receiving a lecture on "Engineering contacts and work functions through solution processing" held by TRDF an associated partner of the TADFsolutions Network. The final day of the Autumn meeting was focused on the mid-term check with the EU Officer. 

Spring School - Bordeaux, France - March 2024

In March 2024 the Spring School took place in Bordeaux, France. During the school the students received a lab tour around the Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques at the University of Bordeaux, a consortium member. In addition the students received tutorials entitled "Phase behaviour and processing of blends and solutions” from Jasper Michels an external guest from the Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research and "Emitter Orientation and optical modeling" from Dr Francisco Tenopala a guest from the consortium member the University of Cologne, Germany. 

The students presented the progression of their work on the relevant work packages and the consortium as a whole had time to exchange ideas and information on the direction of the science. The Professors also convened for a Supervisory Board meeeting. 

Autumn School - St Andrews, Scotland - August 2024

Webmaster: Claire Schappert

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